What to Tell Child Who Asks About Same Sex Relationship

Notice to Reader: "The Boards of both CERC Canada and CERC USA are enlightened that the topic of homosexuality is a controversial one that securely affects the personal lives of many North Americans. Both Boards strongly reiterate the Catechism's teaching that people who cocky-place as gays and lesbians must be treated with 'respect, compassion, and sensitivity' (CCC #2358). The Boards also support the Church's right to speak to aspects of this issue in accordance with her own self-understanding. Articles in this section have been called to bandage light on how the teachings of the Church building intersect with the various social, moral, and legal developments in secular order. CERC will non publish articles which, in the stance of the editor, expose gays and lesbians to hatred or intolerance."

Homosexuality: The Untold Story
Known causes of same-sexual practice attraction
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Weak Masculine/Feminine Identity

In his contribution to the book by Begetter John Harvey, The Truth About Homosexuality, Fitzgibbons writes: "Weak masculine identity is easily identified and, in my clinical experience, is the major cause of SSAD in men. Surprisingly, it can be an outgrowth of weak eye-hand coordination which results in an inability to play sports well. This status is usually accompanied by severe peer rejection."

In a culture dominated by sports heroes, it's like shooting fish in a barrel to understand how a young boy who can't play ball or run fast may not experience very good virtually himself — especially when this is accompanied by ridicule from his peers and perhaps fifty-fifty exclusion and isolation. He may escape the resulting loneliness with academics or by cultivating comfortable relationships with girls.

"The sports wound will negatively affect the image of himself, his relationships with peers, his gender identity, and his body image," Fitzgibbons writes. "His negative view of his masculinity and his loneliness can lead him to require the masculinity of his male peers."

Another major cause for SSAD is when a father is perceived by a child as distant, disquisitional, selfish, angry or alcoholic. This produces nevertheless another crucial disharmonize in the development of a boy's masculine identity. "Equally children and adolescents, these men yearned for acceptance, praise and physical amore from their fathers," Fitzgibbons said, "but their needs were never met."

In women, a weak feminine identity leading to SSAD tin exist caused by mother conflicts, peer rejection or poor torso epitome. Fitzgibbons writes, "This condition is far more rare than weak masculine identity, and this is why, in my view, male homosexuality is much more common than female homosexuality. The female role model, the mother, is much more likely to exist more than affirming, to be giving, to be nurturing to her girl than the father to his son."

Distrust of Men/Women

Distrust of the opposite sexual activity is the second most common crusade of SSAD in men and the most common cause in women. In men, "Feelings of mistrust may develop equally a consequence of a difficult mother relationship or from experiences of expose by women," Fitzgibbons writes. "Male children in fatherless homes oft feel overly responsible for their mothers. As they enter their adolescence, they may come to view female love as draining or exhausting. They desire a relationship that is lighthearted and enjoyable and, past default, turn to male love."

In females, the mistrust of men's dear is ane of the major conflicts a adult female may choose to "resolve" in a homosexual relationship. She may have had a afar, emotionally insensitive or even abusive male parent and grows up with a fear of being vulnerable to men.

Women who have been betrayed in love relationships may as well seek safe in a relationship with a woman. Women who are sexually abused or raped as children may find it almost impossible to trust men and plow to a woman instead for affection.

Loneliness is another major factor in the evolution of SSAD in females. Many women experience disillusionment in their search for the right man and may turn to women instead.

Gender Identity Disorder

"Gender identity disorder in children regularly leads to same-sexual activity attraction in adolescence," writes Fitzgibbons. "The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Medical Disorders DSM-IV" of the American Psychiatric Association defined "Gender Identity Disorder (GID) in children equally a strong persistent cross-gender identification, a discomfort with ane'southward own sex activity, and a preference for cross-sexual activity roles in play or in fantasies."

Another theory is put forth by Linda Nicolosi of the National Association for Inquiry and Therapy on Homosexuality in her article entitled, "Does Born That Way Hateful Designed Fashion?"

"… In some individuals, prenatal hormones may abnormally masculinize or feminize the developing fetus. … When a meaning woman is exposed to certain environmental pollutants which are known to take a hormone-like effect on the body, some writers conjecture that differences are blurred in her developing fetus. The resulting gender distortions could affect the child's sense of himself or herself."

Narcissism and Profound Selfishness

Fitzgibbons describes the egotistic person equally a person who is "preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, luminescence, beauty or ideal honey. For the homosexual narcissist, the goal is the pursuit of pleasance. A certain segment of the homosexual customs expresses narcissism by promoting full and accented sexual freedom. They advocate anonymous sexual activity and farthermost sexual behaviors that may explicate the presence of a high degree of promiscuity in this segment of the population."

"These are the activists," Fitzgibbons said. "They want unlimited promiscuity. Their goal is to undermine Judeo-Christian morality."

Dysfunctional Family Life

In the volume, Same Sex activity Attraction: A Parent's Guide, edited by Begetter John Harvey and Gerald V. Bradley, Father Harvey agrees with researchers who see faulty family relationships as the source of aforementioned-sex attraction.

Referring to the work of Don Schmierer, Father Harvey writes, "He makes use of case histories to illustrate ways in which adolescent boys and girls tin can have a dislocated perception of their gender identity. … The fatherless home or the emotionally unavailable male parent joined with the dominant mother contributes to the development of same-sex attractions. … Often where divorce has taken identify, the mother portrays her ex-husband in very negatives means, and; consequently the son loses respect for the begetter. … In merged or foster families, one notices relationships amidst siblings, cousins, or neighbors that are compulsive and secretive and that can foster same-sexual activity attractions. …"

Spouses who verbally corruption one another in front of children may inadvertently force the children to "accept sides," and, particularly if there is already a distance betwixt a child and a begetter, a son may begin to come across his masculinity in a negative lite. Marital infidelity is likewise a contributing cistron, specially if information technology impacts on an adolescent male child or girl.

Other causes of SSAD are sexual corruption and pedophilia, separation from a parent during the critical fourth dimension of development, or the failure of parents to encourage same-sex identification and friendships.

In a recent interview with ZENIT News, Fitzgibbons said, "The absence of a father in the dwelling leads to sadness, anger, difficulty in trusting and disruptive disorders. The absence of a mother is worse. One'south mother is 1'southward primal basis of feeling safe in relationships; denying a kid of its mother wounds the child's ability to trust and take faith in the globe, which can lead to anxiety and attachment disorders."

This is why same-sex marriages and adoption can exist and so devastating on order, because of their event on children. Fitzgibbons points out that even in Belgium where same-sex unions are approved, same-sex couples are non permitted to prefer.

"Non all adults accept the inherent right to have a child," he said, "but all children have a right to a mother and a father."

Homosexuality: The Untold Story

Part 1 of vi: The Phantom Gene

Part 2 of 6: Known causes of same-sex attraction

Role 3 of 6: Wellness risks of the homosexual lifestyle

Part 4 of half dozen: Treatment and prevention

Role 5 of 6: Gay Spousal relationship: Who's minding the children

Part 6 of 6: In the Image of God: Church Teaching on Man Sexuality


Source: https://www.catholiceducation.org/en/controversy/homosexuality/known-causes-of-same-sex-attraction.html

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